Expert Tips:
- Optimal Airflow: Achieve the desired airflow by positioning the Clip-on Fan to circulate air both above and beneath the plants’ main canopy. This promotes a pleasant breeze throughout the growing area.
- Moderate Wind Intensity: Avoid direct exposure of plants to a strong fan, as excessive wind can harm leaves and stems. Instead, consider pointing the fans towards the walls, allowing for gentle diffusion of the breeze.
- Ensuring Adequate Coverage: After placing the fans, carefully survey the entire grow area to verify that every part receives a gentle breeze. Adjust the fan positions as needed to eliminate stagnant air and ensure consistent airflow.
Expert Tips:
Optimal Airflow: Achieve the desired airflow by positioning the Clip-on Fan to circulate air both above and beneath the plants’ main canopy. This promotes a pleasant breeze throughout the growing area.
Moderate Wind Intensity: Avoid direct exposure of plants to a strong fan, as excessive wind can harm leaves and stems. Instead, consider pointing the fans towards the walls, allowing for gentle diffusion of the breeze.
Ensuring Adequate Coverage: After placing the fans, carefully survey the entire grow area to verify that every part receives a gentle breeze. Adjust the fan positions as needed to eliminate stagnant air and ensure consistent airflow.
I have the 6″clipfan after 6 or 7 months with it. One day I noticed it wasn’t oscillating, All it took was a short email and the response was fast within 24hours I had a claim for a new clip fan replacement. Thank you spider Farmer I would recommend this company for your indoor gardening needs. Awesome customer service ?
Received my fan today. Quick shipping. Set it up, and it works great. Very very quiet. Clamp seems to hold tight to pole, and like the circular clamp so it can’t fall off. Can’t speak to the longevity, but so far I would recommend it.
Hi! It’s Matt from Native Sugar Shack on YouTube & Instagram. I’ve been using 3 of these 6 inch fans and they are fantastic! If you’re like me and have been growing for decades then you’ve probably bought those “Monkey Fans” of years past and received the same performance that I did, a fan that sits to close to the tent side walls causing the weak fan oscillation motors to fail within 30 days. This fan is not like that at all, in fact, I have to tilt it as high up as it will point to get to to even touch the sidewalls. The clip is very strong, the fan motors are quite, and this fan puts out serious air for it’s size. See it in action on my YouTube channel & don’t think twice about pulling the trigger if you need a clip fan, this one is built to last and works great!!